
the king wants his gold


08-17-2013, 10:16 PM

They had been waiting for this call for a while, ever since Liberty had sprinted over the boarders and collapsed he had been waiting. Since then he hadn't left Liberty alone for long, keeping a watchful eye on her even when she had decided she needed to stretch her legs. Today they were curled up in their den, having moved and found a new once since Aislyn's death, Friction's head resting easily on her shoulder. His ear twitched slightly as he head the howl but other then opening his eyes he didn't move for a long moment. Finally he lifted his head and looked towards the opening of their den, he knew what would happen today and he knew what he would have to do if certain events played out. he wasn't nervous or scared, instead an odd sense of calm had settled over him. Liberty was his life and he was more then willing to give his to protect her. "Liberty... He's here, wake up sweet heart,"he murmured gently if she hadn't already woken up. He licked this side of her neck, smoothing the fur behind her ear before pushing his nose against the back of her neck. "No matter what happens today remember that I love you. If you want to go, I will go with you. If you don't then they'll have to go through me first..." he reassured her. They would take her over his dead body, not that he would ever say that to her but he would die before he ever let this 'ghost' take her against her will.

Slowly he would lift himself, smiling easily down at his daughter before motioning for her to follow him. She could make her choice as the events played out, he would follow her lead. Hew knew that her mother had wanted Liberty to be the next beta of Valhalla but if that wasn't what Liberty wanted then he wouldn't force it upon her. He had never been sure why Aislyn had been so forceful with Liberty's future, Friction was a firm believer that their daughter should find her own way but had stepped back to let Aislyn do as she pleased. But now that Aislyn was gone he had to find his own parenting style, find his own way without Aislyn. The walk was quiet, Friction keeping close to his daughter even as they approached the slowly growing party gathered at the boarders. He flashed a small smile at his daughter, hoping she would put on a brave face for this whole ordeal. He approached slowly, a brief tip of his head given to Chrys in greeting before he positioned himself to her left and back slightly, motioning for Liberty to stand between himself and Chrys. It was where he felt that she was the safest. From there all they could do was wait. The 'ghost' had already spoken his demands, echoed by a black and white female that accompanied him. Friction did what he could to bite his tongue. For now he would put his faith in their alpha.