
Isardis x Argent



11 Years
Athena I
08-17-2013, 04:21 PM (This post was last modified: 08-19-2013, 10:33 AM by Alena.)

Name: Athena

Gender: Female

Pup number: Three

Appearance: When she is born, this fea will have a solid coat of darker gray covering her little body with only soft patches of slightly lighter color along her back to hint at a change in color as she grows. Once she reaches adulthood, her thick, silky fur will lighten to a light silver hue, with only marks under her striking eyes and the tips of her ears retaining the darker gray she had been born with. Her irises split into two colors, with green circling her pupils and crimson making up the outer rim. She strides forward with long, graceful limbs, strong muscles winding around her form and hiding under her glorious silver fur. This warrior will stand thirty six inches tall once she is full grown, her body deceivingly thin and womanly. Under her long coat of fur hides the strong body of a fighter.

Personality: Athena is a challenge as a pup. She's always daring to climb to new heights, run faster than her siblings, pushing herself to her very limits simply for the joy of accomplishing something new and, more importantly, accomplishing it before someone else does. She is born with a fiery spirit and takes orders from no one, with the exception, perhaps, of her mother and father. As she grows older these traits never seem to truly go away. She will throw herself paws first into whatever job, duty, training, or exercise is thrown in front of her. She craves the adrenaline of a fight, though she is much too wise to fight senselessly. No, instead she will find a target for her cravings, whether it be a threat to her family or pack or perhaps even someone that threatens someone that has found a place in her heart. Athena is a warrior at heart, strong willed in the truest sense of the word, but she can have her softer moments should the right wolf wander into her life. She is fiercely loyal to whatever cause it is she had committed herself to, even if that cause should go against her morals or beliefs. Once she signs onto a project of any kind she will see it through to the end.

Extra: I'd be happy to use this personality with any of the designs, they're all gorgeous.
