
Blue Fire Babies!!

jupiter x ballad



5 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1Pride - Pansexual
12-21-2021, 05:56 PM
Name: Themisto
Sex: Male
Height/Build: 40"/Light
Skills: Fighter/Navigation
Alignment: Chaotic Neutral
Design: 1st - 9 2nd - 2 (I'd be fine with twins)
Appearance: Written for design 9, includes eye color changes. (Eye color changes would carry forward for second choice if need be)

[Image: spacefire.png]

Themisto is among many when it comes to how striking he is, though he stands an impressive 40 inches tall he isn't particularly strong looking, his height he clearly got from his father but his build is all his mother. Light and almost delicate he has a dancer's build more than a fighter, though to assume he has no teeth to him is a grave mistake. His coat is plush and luxurious looking, adding to his almost cushy appearance.

But when you look past his height Themisto is something to look upon. The base of his coat is a dark night sky, ashy black but if that was all he was he would hardly be obviously Jupiter's son, as he is now. Instead, that night sky is speckled in vibrant colors,  nebulas of red/pink and blue play across his whole body in a sort of brindling, and atop even those a starfield of golden speckles dot across his whole body. Under his eyes are golden markings, his Imperialis blood clear in his appearance if not in his name.  

Finally, his eyes are a mismatched set of nebulas all their own, his left is the blue of his markings and the red the same cranberry colors of some of the darker red markings.

Personality: Themisto if he'd been raised as an Ademere wolf would be vastly different than he is under his father's care. As it is he will be something of a little shit disturber. Not a menace but he has a mischievous streak for sure. He will in particular have a penchant for trying to prank his siblings and father. He will be well known for pulling others into his bad plans and coming up with some less than thought-out ideas, neither will her turn away from a fight if, given the chance, puppy scuffles will be a common occurrence in his early life.

All that being said he knows where the lines are and won't cross them, he only really just wants to make things fun and he will learn well enough early enough that hurting others makes things very unfun for others. While young he may push boundaries once and a while but will take clear signs of taking things too far and learn from them.

Themisto makes friends easily and will be a rather social wolf who really thrives in social situations, though he is not shameless he, in particular, will be an open flirt. Discerning and yet he won't hesitate to take a moment to try and make someone feel good about themselves if he can do so with just his words, when it comes to something more than that? Well that's Themisto's secret weakness, he's kind of a nervous wreck when his ability to brush of more serious things with humor fail and he's not really sure what it is he really wants beyond a good time and no strings attached. He's maybe not particularly vulnerable and it's clear he's uncomfortable with anything that demands that from him.

Plots: Not totally sure, I kind of get a lot of enjoyment out of the idea of him being very similar to Jupiter in a lot of ways, flirting his way across Boreas but never more than that because intimacy scares the shit out of him. Probably getting teased for being the perpetually single one.