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Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (240)

An icon representing the specialty Fertile Fertile

8 Years
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Pride - BisexualSamhain 2022WealthyThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 31K
OverachieverCritical Attack!VolcanoLegendaryCritical Fail!Valentines 2020
Critical Hit!Christmas 2019Trick 2019Promptober 2019
12-21-2021, 07:23 PM
"Oh," she said softly as she trotted after him across the plains. "I didn't know that she passed... I'm so sorry. We met when your pack called the Hot Springs home. I've always admired her vision for The Hallows. There isn't enough space for healing and recovery in this world. So often, all a wolf needs is time." A place where someone could arrive broken and leave healed anew, or at least more put together than before. A safe place. A companionable silence fell between the pair as he wound his way through the interior of the castle. She trailed him with wide eyes, impressed by the grandeur of it all. Alluring scents drifted around each corner, beckoning her to explore; smoke and meats and meads and worn leather accompanied by thick, comfortable furs. Theo could easily imagine getting lost in the warren of hallways and she was suddenly quite grateful for the escort. Whenever she had imagined Thalia's childhood here, it had seemed drab and gray and cold - but perhaps that was just a reflection of how she'd thought of the Abraxas. Now that she was here and seeing it in brilliant color, she had to admit it was a charming place infused with the warmth of those who called it home. Cozy, if such a huge, rambling estate could be.

I know of several wolves who could benefit from your plans... "Well, I'm grateful to hear it," she chirped from behind him. "They can take as long as they'd like - my intention is to keep the borders open and to watch for visitors. Lessons will be conducted on a rolling schedule to best fit the needs of the students. Warlord Sirius of the Armada has offered to lend me a fighting instructor for a time to best develop my curriculum." Name-dropping was an easy way to try and ferret out their relationship with other packs. She couldn't be sure what relationships had survived or changed now that the pack had migrated to Auster. She settled down at his table and allowed herself to be served, which was certainly a different feeling. Reminding herself that this wasn't something she could get used to, Theo sipped and nibbled and allowed herself the simple pleasure of being waited upon.

"The response has been fairly mixed, although more positive than not. I have strong allies in Valhalla and the Armada, a cordial relationship with Ashen's Shogun..." she rattled off. "I don't know much about the other Auster pack, Fenmyre, but a female named Dalila answered me at Aspen Dam and she was polite. It sounds like there are quite a few children on the island, but I couldn't be sure. A few other packs I have ties to through distant relatives," she avoided mentioning Aerie directly - it was unlikely Eligos would ever commit to such a thing. She took a big mouthful of food, giving an appreciative groan. Catching what she could along the way had meant plenty of nights crashing beneath the open sky with little more than a skinny squirrel or a particularly clumsy bird. This spread tasted like heaven. His next question caught her mid sip, and she struggled not to sputter her water. "Yes, Pirate's Plunder is the result of my cousin Sparrow winning that dissolution challenge in the far north. It was well fought on both sides," Theory erred on the side of diplomacy by nature, but it was also a plain fact. There hadn't been a gathering of spectators like that in her recent memory; the showmanship had certainly turned out a crowd. "She's... a character. I can't say I could predict her next actions now that they've been established as a pack, but I wouldn't put anything past her. They're big drinkers, brawlers, having-a-good-timers - an unpredictable bunch." Sparrow followed her fancy, to say the least. Theory couldn't condone her actions publicly, nor did she pretend to understand them - but they could always share a drunken laugh behind closed doors.