
I know who I want to take me home


08-17-2013, 06:07 PM

Morphine, you bitch. The thought floated easily and unguarded through Seraphim's mind as he stood there, taking in the words and reactions of the children around him. Fire gleamed in his verdant eyes as he turned to his own two, unable to consider anything Devya had said before dealing with the problem they presented. While he resented the way that Morphine had inspired them and chosen to raise them, he somehow had no regrets about siring them for her misusing. Perhaps it was because deep down, he harbored a belief that he would someday have a semblance of a good relationship with at least one of his children. Now, however, he felt only a burning desire to lash out at their mother for their current attitudes.

A growl escaped his throat as he turned on them, his eyes narrowed in anger. She does NOT, and will NOT, belong to either of you, he snapped, his voice resonating like booming thunder. Your mother's position as queen does not give you an inherent right to tell others what their places are or to control them. You have to age and earn the right to do those things on your own. He paused, taking in a deep breath before continue at a lower volume than before, his tone scolding but lacking the aggression it had previously held.

Good leaders know better than to be merciless to everyone they deem weaker than themselves. As of now, you are both disappointments and are not fit to act as the heirs to the throne of Tortuga. His head swiveled to face the pup whom he had turned away from. Seraph offered her a gentle gaze before turning back to his children. I will care for her, regardless of your opinions. You will learn to live with her and treat her as all pack mates should be treated, with respect. She will learn the basics of survival alongside both of you and your brother, though she will not be a party to anything your mother teaches you. She will be my child and mine alone.

With one last pointed look at each of his children, he turned his whole attention back to Devya. Again, he took in her emaciated state, the fright in her eyes. He wondered who her parents had been. They had obviously taught her to be strong, but they had also left her defenseless in the early stages of her childhood. If ever he had the opportunity to learn about them, he would take it. He offered her a very small smile of apology for what she had had to witness before speaking.

What do you say?

talk, think