
You gave me a dime for all that I own




Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-22-2021, 02:39 AM (This post was last modified: 12-28-2021, 07:04 AM by Laith. Edited 1 time in total.)
Every attempt he made to fight back was foiled one way or another, and the grip on his face was tightening the more the moved, until he couldn't move his own jaws at all. The sharp teeth tore at the delicate skin of his nose and under his chin, and a pitiful wail spewed forth from clenched teeth. The great beast of a wolf then thrashed his head from side to side, almost shaking Laith like a toy. He could feel blood blossoming from the wounds, bleeding down into his own mouth and nose, and he felt himself spluttering - almost choking - on his own blood. This was a fucking horrible way to die.
However, his opponent apparently didn't want to just immediately kill him, and he felt the whole world around him spin as he was suddenly yanked into the air and forced down onto the sandy ground face first. Laith's vision darkened, stars bursting behind closed eyelids as he lay there limply, not even bothering to fight back. His entire face and chest was soaked with his own blood, and he could barely keep his eyes open from the intense pain, sand in his face, and mixture of blood and saliva in his eyes.
When he felt himself begin to be dragged - and by his face at that - Laith struggled a bit, but every movement sent waves of pain radiating out from his torn up muzzle and face, and he resolved to just let himself be dragged. There was no fighting this bigger wolf, not if he wanted to live after this experience. Laith continued to moan pathetically, occasionally crying out a muffled and mumbled stop. He lost track of how long he was being dragged, but knew that they were crossing multiple islands as evident by the stretches of time where his body was being dragged through salty water. He would try to keep his head held up above the surface, feeling the stinging burn of the salt as it splashed into his face, if only to try and not drown before he reached wherever the other wolf was taking him.
When they would finally arrive Laith would simply curl up into a tight ball wherever he was released, doing his best to hide his bloodied face and not wanting to even look at the larger wolf, or anyone else who may be around. To say he would be sulking would be the biggest fucking understatement ever, and he would refuse to even speak or look at anyone. Maybe if he closed his eyes and prayed hard enough, he would wake up and this would've all been some horrible nightmare.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!