


08-17-2013, 06:35 PM

Serpentine limbs propelled the covetous viper through the labyrinth of vegetation that branched out far beyond her apex, secluding the child away from the torrid rays of sunlight that beat down heavily upon the briars and elongated grasses that made up the thicket. The developing tyke had rebelled against her mother?s desires of remaining within the premises of Tortuga?s domain once more, abandoning the company of all of her family and pack members in favor of exploration to fuel her childish curiosity with the world surrounding her. She possessed a certain ambition to view what she could while she could, and although she held equal desire to abide to her mother?s commands, she had breached an awareness that the only way to sate her curiosities was to flee Tortuga?s domain undetected, and so she had done so numerous times while her mother was otherwise occupied with the cumbersome duties of an imperial queen, far too distracted to keep track of her troublesome trio. There was guilt to weigh upon her conscience but the child found that the more frequent her visits had been to the outside world, the less remorse flooded her system ? all was well until she managed to venture into dangerous turf and get herself slaughtered or enslaved by wicked madmen. But until then, she was content with her risky endeavors for the amazement she received from performing them outweighed her fears by far.

Minuscule skull remained tilted back so that her mismatched gaze could consume the fascinating sights of the twittering birds and pesky bugs fluttering about far out of her reach, causing a genuine smile to temporarily stain her porcelain visage even though the tyke hadn?t the faintest idea of where she was or how she would escape. Her anxiety was minimal and her amusement overfed, only switching roles as the familiar scent of a canine writhed through her flared nostrils. She halted in her tracks, panicking for just a moment before she pivoted in the opposite direction of the domineering aroma, desiring nothing more than to flee the presence of whomever the scent belonged to even though it disturbed her adventure. Her pace hastened into a brisk trot, grasses slapping her muzzle as she maneuvered through the foliage with complication, breaching a clearing in the vegetation after about ten minutes of blindly travelling. Lids concealed her amethyst and metallic gaze as the child heaved raspy breaths, attempting to slow her heart rate and steady her breathing that had gone haywire during her sprint. Unfortunately for the tyke, she had done a complete 360, blissfully unaware that the stranger she had attempted to avoid now occupied the clearing with her, a few meters away from where she had collapsed out of exhaustion.