
How To Have Zoomies And Make New Friends




Master Fighter (245)

Advanced Intellectual (76)

An icon representing the specialty Defender Defender

6 Years

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 1
12-22-2021, 12:15 PM
The sky colored pup was confident in his ability, claiming it would take far more than a tumble and rabbit to take him out. Hika chuckled softly in amusement. The boy puffed himself up and pushed out his chest. He was quite the spit fire already, and it was odd such a strong and determined boy was out here alone.

"The pleasure is all mine,” Hikaru returned politely as the boy asked after his last name, did he like it? Did he prefer it? "I do like it, feels like i’m keeping hold of my homeland in a way. I guess it would depend on your last name if it was a pleasant thing or not.” Hika commented almost absently as he tried to ignore the emotion that crossed the boy’s features. Was he alone because he had no more family to hold on to? "Yes I’m fine,” He grinned if only to help brush away the deep set sadness that washed over the boy.

"Spirits can take any form they wish,” Hika explained gently, but grinned along at the thought of a rabbit wolf. "But if I did meet one, I think it would be very scary. Powerful hind legs to kick or jump at you, long, sharp, teeth that can crush skulls with a swift bite. I wouldn’t want to mess with one.” Hikaru shuddered and badly hid his amused grin.

The boy questioned why he was there. "I live in the pack nearby. A lot happened back where I was born and the moral of the story is I was no longer welcome after I’d made a few choices that upset my family. I’ve found my real home here.” Mort’s face flashed behind his inner eye and the thought of the wolf he loved made his heart flutter in his chest. "Do I want to know why you’re alone out here, Ricin?” Hikaru’s expression became filled with concern as his tone changed. It was soft an inviting, but also solid to express the worry that he felt. Already Hikaru concerned himself greatly over this pup he had only just met.
