
under the moonlight


08-17-2013, 07:16 PM

An ear would twist, marred by a single thin scar. It was one of the few that were visible upon her battle-friendly frame. It wasn't particularly noticeable, however, for it was hardly ever mentioned. A faint smile crossed her lips, for the signs of someone nearby were evident, though she couldn't venture a guess as to where that someone might be. Far from a huntress, Sendoa had always had difficulty narrowing down the location of prey or predator, though she usually figured it out in due time.

A scent, familiar but strange at the same time drifted toward her from her left, and so her head pivoted in that direction as the silvery-white figure of another came into view of her emerald stare. She froze on instant, the figure being so familiar that she could hardly believe it to be real. The being spoke, his voice cracking something within her very soul, reminding her of who she was - of who he was. Isardis. The faintest of smirks crossed her lips as her limbs brought her closer to him by a few feet. ?Little I am not, lost and blue I am.? Both ears flickered forward with interest, as the smile grew in width on her silvery face. ?And you, my brother,? she would retort with a chuckle upon her lips. Instantaneously her subconscious sent her forward to seek the space that only a sister could inhabit. The smile all but burst her lips as she twisted her muzzle toward him, aiming an affectionate kiss upon his cheek. Here stood the lad she had raised all those years ago, here stood the only man she ever truly loved.
