
Matters of the Heart



08-17-2013, 07:29 PM

As her mother called her out, Solaine obediently followed. This was perhaps the only time in which she would benefit from following direct orders from her dam. The smile was evident on her tiny face as her bi-colored eyes twinkled with joy and excitement. There was no end to the exciting things her mother could be about to introduce them to, and Solaine would not miss out on the fun. It seemed, however, that her sister preferred to sleep. Solaine gave a huff as she slithered past Guinevere, noting her father's presence - with a large leg of prey in his jaws. The tiny girl yipped excitedly when she spotted this, rising up onto her front paws to sniff it eagerly. He soon dropped the leg and nuzzled her gently, which she returned with fervor. She adored her father, and her mother - even if they didn't want to let her do everything she wanted. Papa, what's that leg from? She questioned, ever curious about life and the interesting things that occurred during it.

It was hard to see over the leg that her father had brought, and so quickly the whelp lifted her front paws onto it for a better vantage point to view the larger she-wolf who was approaching in a crawling manner. Curiously the dame would tilt her head to the right at an angle, the fur on the back of her neck and spine now standing on end. Her tail flagged up behind her, wondering if this woman intended to steal the food that father had brought them. A tiny growl began to bubble in her chest, but soon calmed as the woman wagged her tail and introduced herself. Azalea, that was a pretty name! Solaine's tail mirrored her newfound sister's, beating at ninety miles a minute - or so it seemed. "I'm Solaine!" she yipped, proud of the name she had been given. Azalea went on to say that the man, whom Solaine had not yet noticed, was called Dumb-Dumb. Now.. that seemed like a silly name. Solaine launched herself over the leg and toward the much larger male, giggling because of his name. Her mother went to him just then, calling him 'Gael' and nuzzling him gently, telling him to meet his sisters. "Mama, why'd you call him Gael?" It never occurred to her that Azalea had been joking.
