


08-17-2013, 07:49 PM

It was beautiful here, the crisp coolness of the air in these lands much nicer then the heat atop the mountain of Tortuga. His pelt was thick and corse thanks to his father's more northern bloodlines, that paired with the dark shade that covered most of his body made the heat almost unbearable this time of year. It was one of the many perks of moving to Glaciem, the climate being much easier to handle for the young boy. And though the hours of patrolling and hunting were long he actually felt like he had a purpose here now. He was protecting the wolves of the pack, he would eventually be training the children of the pack and that was more then enough for him. Though it gave him little time to explore like he used to. Today was one of the few days he had dared slipped off, completing one of his rounds and taking the time in between it and the next one to familiarize himself with the surrounding areas. Isa shouldn't have an issue with it, plus since he had joined he hadn't seen hide or hair of the male. He had only met a few of the other females and they had all seemed quite pleasant thus far. All in all, he was glad he had moved.

He had come to the lake once or twice before, his father had taken him here once to show him it as well but he remembered little of it. He just remembered talking about the small plants that lived within the ice but he hadn't ventured out onto it like his father had. Maybe today he would, or maybe he would just wander around the edge of the lake and check out some smells. Whatever plans he made though were dashed when he came within sight of the lake. A female, probably not much older then he, was venturing out onto the lake. For a moment he paused, head tipped curiously as he watched the plant life light up the ice beneath her paws, eyes focused on the way the light traveled up her slender legs. She was almost pure white except her face which was brown, something about the colouring was strange and intriguing at the same time. Then again his coloring wasn't exactly normal either... He watched for another few moments before he realized that she was moving further out across the ice. What if it broke beneath her? She wasn't a Glaciem member but he still felt responsible, like he should help her and make sure she was safe.

He broke into a lope towards her, eyes focused and ears tipped towards the female as she continued out. He was just taking his first step onto the ice when she slipped and fell, illuminating a large amount of the ice around her. "Ma'am? Are you alright?" Concern laced his tone as he began to step gingerly towards her and across the ice, own paw falls lighting up the section of ice around them. He was too focused on her to be worried about the ice beneath his own paws now. The fact that she wasn't immediately getting up concerning him more then anything. What if she had broken something? He had a very vague knowledge of healing, but mostly only with open wounds and he had no clue where to find any of the plants he knew about here. He picked up the pace a bit until he came to where if he reached out he could touch her. Immediately his green eyes scanned her form, looking for blood on the ice beneath her and coming up with nothing. "Do you need some help?" he asked, this time a bit of a smile showing on his features now. Had she just fallen and was enjoying the pretty light show? It did illuminate her quite nicely...
