
I've Got Fire In My Soul



"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-22-2021, 09:05 PM

Art’s teasing smirk earns the leader a soft chuckle and shake of the gray girl’s skull. When he is seated, Fern allows the words to pour forth, everything she has felt and tried to hide is put out into the open. When she speaks of Rudy, the fluttering of butterflies in her stomach causes her heart to thump harder and she rushes through the end. Art holds her gaze for a while and Fern feels her pulse slow back to normal rhythm. There is no malice or anger in his gaze and she feels like a great weight has been lifted from her shoulders. Somehow, voicing the fears Fern has faced alone for so long has made them tangible and less scary.

Artorias sits in solemn silence, absorbing and processing everything she has laid before him. For a moment guilt rises as Fern worries she has burdened the young leader with her trivial life story but she does not look away. Fern tells herself that these are important things he needs to know, things he needs to understands before he agrees to let her stay. When Art nods his head and looks back out across the gardens, Fern feels her eyes following the direction of his gaze. His drawn-out sigh has her eyes snapping back to his face, trying to find any hint of anger or hate on his features. There is none. Instead she sees a wounded child, grieving for the loss of a parent… just like her.

Her gaze softens as Fern realizes that she shares more in common with Art than she first thought. Art’s speaks, his words revealing a glimpse into his world… into his soul and Fern watches him with silent sympathy. When he tilts his head back to look up at the sky, she realizes just how young he really is. While he holds the mantle of leadership effortlessly, inspiring others and encouraging his pack, Fern sees the wounded pup that lies beneath the surface. When he stands and walks to the rose bush, inspecting the flowers closely, Fern continues to stare after him. The threads of his story wrap around them both, tying their lives together with their mutual understanding of loss… and helplessness.

He finds a rose and expertly cuts the flower away and Fern’s gaze trails from his face down to his paw and the rose. He returns with the flower, setting it on the ground and turning his intense gaze to her. She meets his fiery eyes with her own cool oceans, her gaze soft and loving as she listens to every word he says. As he speaks, Fern does not feel the urge to drop her eyes instead holding his gaze as his words wash over her. Emotions play across her face, flashing and disappearing before they can fully manifest. Artorias dregs up feelings long buried, bring them out into the light and Fern feels herself letting go of them.

Art slides the rose over toward her, sitting it between her paws and Fern looks down the delicate flower as he speaks. Her heart swells and head shoots up to look at him as he tells her that she is part of the family. Brow furrows but Art seems to know her thoughts as he gestures toward the rose and gives Fern and Rudy his blessing… even if it is a subtle way. Then he asks a serious question and she realizes this is the most important question anyone has asked her. The heaviness of the situation pulls her eyes down toward the flower, thoughts jumbling and mixing as she tries to come up with the right words.

A smile appears and her gray head lifts, fire and ice meeting as she takes a deep breath. Voice filled with conviction, Fern says, “Yes.” The answer is simple, to the point but loaded with determination. There is a time for words and a time for actions. Fern feels that it is time to move forward.


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.