



5 Years
08-17-2013, 09:22 PM

The other woman had obviously heard her slip. "Who is we?" Gretel swallowed hard, a lump was rising in her throat and she was finding it hard to speak. "I was ah, traveling with another wolf for a time, I didn't really know... her!" She fumbled awkwardly trippping over her words, lying was not one her strong suits. "We got lost and decided it best that we go our separate ways." The ebony and ivory female desperately hoped the other woman would read the shakiness in her voice as fear.

The woman's nerves were shot; as Canttina once more slithered around her she quickly sidestepped, unable to stand her ground anymore."I could help you my little Gretel. I am healthy, fit. I can hunt and protect you."As the other woman slid by Gretel found her gaze falling upon the remains of the deer that clung to the female's fur. Hunger clawed angrily at her stomach and she salivated slightly. "Clean those horrid gashes upon your wonderful fur. In return you keep me company. Without me, you will die." All at once the hunger grew stronger, her back legs seemed to be burning and her cuts were stinging fiercely. A small voice was telling her it wasn't true but it was drowned out by a sea of voices echoing, over and over again: die.

Gretel had been about to speak when the rumbling purr reached her ears. Cantinna was close again, much too close. "You smell, so.. glorious." Gretel could hear the joy in those words and she trembled. It was all to much, this shouldn't have been happening, least of all not to her. She had to take the woman up on her offer though. Better to submit peacefully than risk a violent confrontation. "Company?" She asked feebly her tone was that of resignation.

"Speech," Thought, You
Lineart © to golden-wolfox on deviantart