silver surface turned into rust
12-22-2021, 09:58 PM
She hadn’t noticed him till he was right there? She either needed to never be on patrols or needed to do a lot of them to learn to pay attention. Ugh. Kotori was in a foul mood and even he could tell his opinions were all coming out negative.
Kotori give a slight nod of his head, “Pleasure,” with formal politeness when she said it was nice to meet him. Getting past niceties fast and being done with them. “The assignment is to,” Kotori had a lot of snarky ways to define their assignment but as he spoke the horned wolf swallowed back some of his word choices, “catch a queen bee.” He shrugged slightly, “and try to get stung as little as possible.”
Kotori fully expected her to be as shocked as he’d been about the stupid-as-hell order but now he’d learn for sure. Then again, she really might be safer with what a great wall Kotori would be for the bees to sting him instead. Yuck.