
How To Have Zoomies And Make New Friends



"Born In Suffering; Built with Love"


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4 Years
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Pride - PansexualSamhain 2022TeacherDouble Master1K
12-23-2021, 07:25 PM
Hikaru is a nice wolf and Ricin finds himself grinning happily at the koi colored wolf. As the handsome wolf talks about how he likes his name. The light blue pup nods and shrugs, “Yeah that makes sense. Well, I think you have a great name Hikaru!” The grin fades as the sadness washes over him but the koi wolf is grinning and reassuring the pup that he is fine. The pups mind turns away from the sadness and he is already grinning again as he talks of rabbit wolves and silly things. When Hika responds, gently educating and the pup, Ricin realizes how much this koi wolf reminds him of his dead father. The kind, gentle way he sparks has the grin changing into a soft smile as he looks into bright silver eyes. Ricin asks, “Do spirits often visit you?” A small part of the pup hopes that he will ever see his father someday.

Then Hika is grinning and talking about a rabbit wolf causing the pup’s eyes to round and mouth to drop open as he hangs on every word. Vivid images of the monstrosity spring to life in Ricin’s mind and, when Hikaru shudders and tries to hide his amused grin, the pup’s crimson eyes brighten and his wags. He barks a laugh and says, “I like you Hikaru! You are good at making up stories! Like me!” His enthusiasm builds as Ricin asks, “Were their scary monsters where you come from Hikaru?” Wide, wonder-filled eyes look to the koi wolf, eager to hear stories of far off places and monster hunting wolves. But then Hikaru is talking about a pack nearby and not being welcome back in his homeland.

The grin drops as Ricin nods his head solemnly and says, “I’m sorry that happened but glad you found your home.” The smile that the pup offers is not as bright as others he has given Hika and only dims further when he asks about why the pup is out here alone. Clearing his throat, trying to seem confident, Ricin says, “I’m not alone, my brother just left to go find us food. We take good care of each other.” The pup tries to brush the koi wolf’s concern away not wanting his new friend to worry. He adds, “My brother and I are kind of like you! Only… different. Dad died and mom didn’t want us so we found ourselves here. Hopefully we find our home soon.” Sad eyes dart away from Hikaru, unable to hold the kind wolf’s gaze.

Emotions roll over Ricin, threatening to bury the pup under a crushing mountain of sadness. A sniffle finds its way out and the blue pup cannot stop the tear that rolls down his cheek. For so long he pretended that it didn’t hurt when their mother chased them away. That it didn’t kill a part of him every time he watched one of his siblings die. That he was strong when he is just a sad, confused pup trying to stay alive for the sake of his brother. Crimson eyes remain diverted as Ricin fights the tears that have been building since the day they left home.
