
Dear Dad or Deer dad?


High Councilor

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Expert Hunter (230)

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5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-23-2021, 09:27 PM
Rudyard had chosen to pay for a blessing from a promise of ‘deer dad’s blessing’ with no real concept what it was.  Rudyard was a hunter and had killed a good number of deer.  Even as they were food he could respect how fast and fleet they were.  So what sort of blessing would this ‘deer dad’ give to him?  Would it truly be a blessing?

Rudy had bought a thing of no substance and only faith it would do something.  Well, a little faith, mostly there was no reason not to spend the items as they held little value to him.  Rudyard roamed the berry groves with Fern, pausing as he spotted a buck that was growing its 3rd year of velvety antlers if he had to guess.  Mature enough to be labeled an adult but neither did he have the full powerful set of antlers those a few years older.

Rudy thought to chase it but instead sat down to watch it.  Fern was with him and they could chase it but not this time.  In respect for whatever ‘blessing’, a deer dad was now giving him, this buck would get to be left to grow another set of antlers next season.  “You know,” Rudy mused, “unless a deer wants to come chat with me I’ll probably never know if I really got a blessing.”  

Rudy watched it another moment, letting out a small sigh, “I decided not to hunt this one in respect for this blessing, I’d have fun and chat with it but scaring it hardly sounds respectful.” Rudy winked at Fern and whispered;

“deer dad, deer dad, where art though? Come and grant me my gift now.”
