
wake me up


08-17-2013, 11:48 PM

She felt her heart could burst with happiness, that feeling seeping from her very pores as she did all she could to not launch herself at him and flatten them both to the ground. Yeah she was happy to see him but she defiantly didn't want to hurt him, she would never forgive herself if she did. Thankfully she managed to skid to a halt in front of him and they collided in a way that left both of them on their paws and still balanced. He was just as excited as she was, his tail waving behind him and she took note of the equally large grin plastered across his face. So he had missed her too?!?! Something about that realization made her excitement grow if that was even possible. When she had gone to Seracia only to find him gone she had been worried, concerned that he had been hurt and then also scared that he might be either ignoring her or had left with the purpose or ignoring her. But no, neither seemed to be true from the way that he greeted her.

He had missed her more? She highly doubted that but she didn't argue, suddenly finding a lump building in the back of her throat as she pushed herself into his chest lovingly. His apology was what pushed her over the edge, that lump growing until it was hard for her to breath, the burning in the back of her eyes until finally one tear after another slipped out. She didn't understand these feelings, couldn't comprehend these feelings or pinpoint if she was sad or happy. "I don't care, I'm just so glad you found me again..." she murmured back, continuing to nestle into his chest and licking his neck and cheeks every chance she got. When he pulled back she already missed being close to him but she lifted one paw at a time and wiped the tears from her eyes and cheeks. She was still smiling but she was so happy she felt like everything was overflowing, like crying was the only way she could release some of that emotion.

She didn't stop smiling the entire time he spoke, blinking back tears and tail waving exuberantly behind her. She was shaking her head even as he spoke, trying to brush off his words. "I'm sorry your mom and sisters are gone, did you king know anything about it? And who's your friend?" Her voice was hesitant almost, a feeling she couldn't describe but she would later pinpoint as jealousy began to rise within her. He had gone off with someone else and left without saying goodbye? But she didn't speak these insecurities, not yet. Although upon further inspection she realized that he was carrying a different scent. Not like her, she knew what a rouge smelt like, but like another pack. "Did you join a new pack?" She tried to sound cheerful about the question but there were some insecurities there. What if his new alpha wouldn't let her see him anymore?
