
Firefly Shoppe



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12-23-2021, 09:40 PM (This post was last modified: 08-02-2022, 03:24 PM by Nyx. Edited 3 times in total.)
<u>Crystal of Knowing and Forgetting</u> - This crystal glows not unlike the others plaguing Boreas, but the glow alternates between every color in the rainbow. Just looking at it calls to mind how little time you’ve spent working on your skills lately… This could be risky... (Cost: 3 Currency)
<u>Go fast juice</u> - The liquid in this bottle is thick and dark, and has something that looks surprisingly like muscle. (Cost: 1 Currency)
<u>??? Potion</u> - This potion is a surprisingly light looking purple liquid, clear and slightly fruity smelling. Something floats in the middle of the bottle, what it looks like changes depending on how you look at it, from one angle a crystal, from another a mushroom and from yet another a firefly? Weird... (Cost: 3 Currency)
<u>Cursed Litter pass</u> - This looks like it might cause something really weird to happen. The label says, “do not use if you are breastfeeding, pregnant, or plan to become pregnant,” but you can’t read… it’s probably dangerous, or really cool. (Cost: 2 Currency)
<u>Creepy Contact Lenses</u> - The fireflies help you to equip this item that once applied cannot be removed or traded. Can look however you like. May not change color, rotate, or otherwise alter once in the eye. (Cost: 3 Currency)
<u>Lucky Rabbit's Foot</u> - This rabbit’s foot glows in the dark, but it’s soft, shimmering fur is coated with a sticky, oily blue substance that reminds you of day-old blood... (Cost: 3 Currency)

Chosen items: Lucky rabbits foot, Cursed litter

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