
From the Queen of England to the Hounds of Hell



Novice Hunter (15)

Advanced Fighter (80)

5 Years

LoserScarredUnderachieverThe Ooze Participant
12-24-2021, 06:01 AM
~Permission granted from Ali to pp Tori's companions, also this thread is for Yaeume but any other Ashen members are welcome too <3. He is currently on Rekaru Island

His mouth and entire face still ached from when the brute of a wolf had clamped down on him, and then proceeded to drag him across multiple fucking islands, before throwing him into some kind of pit. He'd sulked for ages, unable to speak or even properly chew for days, and then choosing instead not to speak. This was humiliating, and even when he'd been allowed to step free from that stupid pit, these goddamn animals were constantly by his side no matter where he fucking went. Especially the weird cat creature that was far too large for his liking.
Laith let out a grumbled hiss at the cat as it stalked past him, almost circling him. He was still unable to really open his mouth very much due to all the swelling and bruising. It almost looked worse now that he had cleaned the worst of the blood off, but if he opened his jaws apart too much, or was too forceful when he chewed his food, some of the wounds reopened and began bleeding again. He was going to have one hell of a set of scars on his face, a constant reminder of that stupid wolf with his stupid horns and his stupid weird claws! Everything was so stupid!
He began to walk slowly more inland and away from the beach portion of the island, and away from that damned cat. His feet dragged as he walked, still sulking as badly as ever, and he could hear the cat as it began to follow him. Reaching his limit with the cat, Laith whirled on his back legs to face the cat, and bared his teeth as he snarled at it, giving a quick snap of his jaws. "Fuck off!" Pain lanced through his face at the act, but he didn't fucking care, even as he tasted blood in his mouth from the now freshly opened wounds. He wouldn't attack the cat, that'd be dumb, but he needed to let it know just how much it was pissing him off.
Laith is an M rated character, thread with him at your own risk!