


08-18-2013, 01:36 AM

There was blood in the air.

The scent made her pause, nose lifting delicately to quiver as it tested the breeze for the direction of the delectable scent. It had been some time since she had tasted meat, probably not since her mother had taken them and fled Tortuga and then ultimately left them. Did she crave it? Of course she did, but her fear of other wolves kept her from turning and running towards it. Though it didn't stop her head from swivelling and blue eyes from taking a quick look behind her. There was no one in the immediate area so tiny shoulders would rise and fall before she turned her vague gaze back towards the ground. For a long moment she simply stood there, mind a whirl as the desire for meat and blood set a light a new desire within the young girl. She didn't know it but she was slowly starving... She needed better, more life giving food then what she was managing to dig up herself. Maybe if she moved south? Maybe if she actually dared to use her vocals? Maybe if she actually asked someone for help? So many possibilities and yet she was still left wandering the north with a growling stomach. She couldn't leave the area, couldn't leave her brother even though his present location was a mystery to her.

A delicate paw lifted and just as she was about to set it back down and carry on on her way a bark alerted her to anothers presence. Once more her head would swivel, casting her blue gaze over her shoulder, expression blank and devoid of emotion. It didn't take long before the male came into view, a pretty slate colour she hadn't really seen in anyone before. But as she had realized before with the male she had met while in the company of her brother, she hadn't seen enough wolves to know what was right and what was wrong with coloration. He was headed her way and it was only what dangled from his jaws that kept her frozen in place. So he was the one who had caused the scent of blood in the air and the sudden twisting in her stomach. Tongue darted out, flicking over her lips to stop herself from drooling. Funny how you never realize how hungry you are until you see the food right in front of you. Gaze went from blank to questioning, hopeful almost as he approached. Her tail even dared to sway at her heels a big, hoping, praying that he was friendly.
