
Remember the Name

Knight Cloud

08-18-2013, 03:03 AM

Green eyes watched the smaller woman as she still seemed hesitant around him. He had done what he could to try and tell her that he would in no way harm her, even placing himself on the ground, an indication that he was non threatening. Curiously, he gazed at her. Though every now and then his gaze wandered to the floor at her feet, as she seemed to be uncomfortable still. He wondered why though...was there something that she was hiding? Or did she just have the misfortune of running into strangers who meant her harm? He himself would never harm anyone without good reason. Especially one that seemed so gentle as the one standing before him. The X shaped scar on his muzzle itched, but he refrained from making any movements so as not to startle her. He knew that with her, he would have to be careful. He would have to be gentle, and that was all fine with him. He was in no hurry to go anywhere, heck he didn't have anywhere to really go. He was packless, friendless, his family left behind long ago. Or, what was left of it anyway. He had come to Alacritis alone, and knew nobody. Had nobody to care for or depend on. That was one of things his heart ached for, he was three years old after all. And though it was still considered young, he wouldn't remain like this forever. He would be four in the coming winter, and he wasn't getting any younger by the day. And yet still, with all the time that passed him by, not one wolf ever took interest in him. Perhaps that was his reason for being such an introvert, a shut in, keeping others out of his emotions. But here, standing in front of him was another that was more or less a reflection of what he felt inside.

His ears twitched in the faintest fashion, after he had told her his name it seemed to have sparked something in her. But what, he did not know. He watched her as she repeated the last part of his name...did that bear significance to her? Did she know someone else that had the same name as he? Or was she just fascinated by it? He pushed the latter thought out of his mind. Why would she be fascinated by it? It was just a simple name. Several moments more, he finally learned the name of the white fae before him. His eyes looked up into her, noticing for the first time that they were a pretty brown color. The sun makes her eyes shine a pretty brown color...just as pretty as her name...Mercianne...never have I met a wolf so pretty as she. He tilted his head to the side in confusion. Never had he thought that about anyone before...the thoughts entering his head befuddled him. Where did these thoughts suddenly come from? It wasn't like him to think such things...but this time, he was very intrigued. Knight had never fallen in love before. He didn't know what it felt like, never head a reason to. He had never come across a wolf that dazzled him in any way, or even remotely caught his eye...but this time, without his own knowing, he was falling.

"Mercianne...that is a pretty name for one such as yourself." He told her kindly, his words carefully laced with a gentleness he had never used before in his entire life. He carefully rose to his paws, cool and calm eyes gazing in her direction as he made a formal bow to her. "I am honored to meet you, Mercianne. He rose, looking at her once more. He didn't move closer for fear of her finally taking the decision of darting away. Instead, he replaced his usual guarded look with one of curiousness and another emotion that he didn't know what to call. A gentleness one might say, was what blanketed his features. Never before had he done this with another, and to tell the was quite a pleasant experience. With her anyway...with others, he always felt like he had to be guarded. To keep himself under wraps for fear that others would discover his weaknesses and use his secrets against him. Never had he trusted another with anything, but her...he could tell. No, he felt that she was someone worth trusting. Someone that wouldn't betray secrets of anothers heart. As he stood there in deep thought about her, he began to pick up another scent...warmer this time. More...motherly. He began to think that maybe his mind was playing tricks on him, but another investigative smell told him what he thought. He could detect the scent of milk. Was it Mercianne's...? Is that why she looked so nervous? Did she have pups of her own? The new thoughts in his mind made him see a new perspective. Yes, that was why she looked wary, afraid. Perhaps the thought of Knight, a stranger, finding them and killing them. But he would never do such a thing...he wouldn't press her on it either. He decided that when she trusted him enough, he would wait for her to tell him of her hidden brood.
