
Time to get out of the pool



3 Years
12-25-2021, 05:52 PM

Kione nodded at the mentioning of her paws, “Pretty useful.  I have to admit I like biting my enemy more but that tool seems to work good for you.  Ever thought of using two? One in each paw?” Kione had no idea if that would work good for her or not but it was just a curious thought.

She liked killing, eh? Kione grinned a toothy smile at the tiny pup, “well then lil sis, happy to take you out with me whenever ya like.  I enjoy the fighting and the killin, but I prefer killing with family at my side.”  It wasn’t about needing help or the truth that it made it easier but, killing with family was a way to grow closer to those you labeled as kin.  Some of the prey was more dangerous than others and the thought of how easily a lion could squash her certainly came to mind but Kione was confident in his ability to protect so it should be fine.

“You ever cut things up before they fully dead?” What would she think of that one?  Kione was perfectly happy eating things before they were fully dead but that was for the purpose of eating instead of intentionally causing pain.  Now he was asking Scylla about making something suffer for a point other than food.  If he could get a lion helpless then how lovely would it be to let this girl do whatever she wanted to with the body.  

Kotori shrugged, “Skin it or take off the head as ya wish, no hurry.  I’m sure it's not so heavy I can’t carry it back with us.  I can help you hone your skills all ya like too, certainly better I help you fight than ya try alone.” Kione hadn’t actually bothered skinning anything before so he just sat down watching curiously to see what she did.

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