
we're a strange herd



Advanced Intellectual (115)

Expert Healer (190)

7 Years

The Ooze Participant
12-25-2021, 07:30 PM

There was so much joy and love in the little space of the room, which smelled now of sweat and afterbirth. Rava uttered an exhausted breath of thanks to her and Kiyo simply bowed her head, her gentle smile twitching upward a little. Really, she should be thanking her. Thanking her for trusting her to deliver her children and giving her the utter wonder of witnessing life enter their world. What surprised her even more, however, was the gentle hug given to her by Plague. Her silver gaze widened in shock and she paused for a moment before a soft laugh escaped her lips, a dainty, ghostly paw rising to return the hug before she was released and the two men moved to lay behind the sleepy woman.

Kiyo rose, shuffling over to roll the alfalfa into pellets. It was a sweet hay and the taste wasn’t entirely unpleasant, but it was certainly no candy. Once they were rolled into pieces small enough to swallow without trouble, she placed them in a pouch except for two. Turning back, she moved back to Rava and placed the two pellets in front of her. Aki followed behind her, carrying a bowl of fresh water for drinking, which was placed close enough for her to drink from. “Two pellets of Alfalfa daily will help with your milk production. In the meantime, I’ll take my leave, but please don’t hesitate to call for me if you have any questions. You’ll certainly be sore and perhaps a little uncomfortable, but you shouldn’t experience any further bleeding or cramping,” she explained, pausing in case she had more questions but there didn’t seem to be any. The Apothaker bowed her head once more as she took a step back before turning and leaving, her companions at her heels as she gave the trio the chance to spend time with their new children.
