
Queens Personal Carriage



Master Healer (250)

Master Intellectual (240)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years

Pride - PansexualTeacherSamhain 2022Statue 5 WorshipDouble MasterWordy
12-25-2021, 07:58 PM

Halo lead easily, her tail wagging at her haunches. She carried the bucket carefully, making sure that it wouldn't make contact with her chest. Still, the shorter girl came close to whacking into the hot metal with her forelegs as she carefully tried to step across the ground. Not only that, Halo had to work a bit harder to keep up with Kotori's much longer strides. Really, was everyone here a giant? They were all so much faster. Meanwhile, Kotori's companions moved alongside the pair, seeming to know just what was asked of them. Would her raccoon friend be to that point someday? Maybe. Halo could hope.

Though Halo had seen a hive in days prior, it would be much easier and much safer to find a swarm. A hive had something to protect, but a transient swarm was already in search of a new home. Swarms were fairly docile anyway, and they'd be stung less, losing fewer bees in the process. "They usually chill out pretty quickly, but I've never tried to catch them, only push them away from the hive to collect the honey and wax." Halo admitted, a soft smile on her face. As the yearling asked about the bees, the healer's eyes lit up. Something she really could speak about, something she knew about. Something she'd feel comfortable talking about, for once. "Honey is very good for wound care and cleaning," she explained. "As well as tasting nice. I want to experiment with bees' wax for waterproofing things too, it will be especially useful for bandages on the lower extremities during wet seasons." Halo looked to the yearling, checking for any questions or at least for understanding.

On the question of weakness, Halo knew she was weak. She could feel it. She could feel every comparison of her own to the wolves of the Armada-- Halo wasn't like them. She wasn't like any of them, and really, it had her feeling like an outsider. They had been so kind, but Halo would find herself feeling (time and time again) alone in this place. Alone in the world. That was where the grey came from, and would keep coming from. Right. She was going to have a good day to spite herself. Halo would have a good day.

And so it would be. From somewhere off to the right, the girl could hear a faint buzzing. She froze... this wasn't the location she'd found the hive the other day. This was a good sign. "I think there's a swarm over here," her words were soft, voice low. "I need you to be careful not to get stung, because if you get stung, the bee doing the stinging will die." The words came as she lead slowly in the direction of the buzzing. "Swarms don't have a hive, so they're not protecting anything. That means they're more docile, not on guard. I just need you to hold the bucket open, I think." Halo looked to the yearling, nodding to herself. That seemed straightforward enough. As they crept closer, Halo could see the swarm hanging out on a blackberry bush. Excellent.

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