
My Earth, Moon, and Stars

Tamsyn ♡



Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

12-26-2021, 10:47 AM (This post was last modified: 12-31-2021, 01:35 AM by Kaneonuskatew. Edited 1 time in total.)

Tamsyn had requested that he set up a romantic date night for the two of them, private and intimate. It had been her request as her prize for winning his little wolfsbane challenge, but secretly, Kane was also using it as a birthday surprise for his girlfriend as well. With all the chaos that had taken over the first half of the season, followed by the attack on the Hallows, he and Tam had been more than a bit preoccupied to really enjoy time together or for him to properly celebrate with her, but now he was determined to make up for it! Kane knew Tamsyn was the kind of girl who valued sentiment and experience more than a grand physical gift, so he had wracked his brain trying to come up with the perfect date night idea for the two of them. Ironically, he ended up going to his stepson for some help. Artorias was understandably a little skeptical to offer thoughts, but did come around, suggesting the idea of a picnic date under the stars, something he'd apparently done with his own girlfriend that had been a smash hit.

And so that's how Kane found himself out in the wild gardens, putting the finishing touches on his surprise for her. He remembered how much Tamsyn had enjoyed stargazing with him and hearing the stories of his tribe, so he'd picked the most clear spot of the gardens, surrounded by fragrant wildflowers and a perfect view of the inky blue-black canvas of the night sky overhead. A half moon hung in a star-studded sky, casting a gentle silver veil over the sleepy world. Beside him, a small campfire crackled with life, throwing light and warmth across the blanket of furs he'd laid out for them. An assortment of skewered meats were hanging over the fire, cooking with aromatics and spices from his tribe's culinary culture. A little taste of his home for her. Tucked hidden away beneath a corner of the furs was a small box—a little birthday surprise for Tam that came from his heart. He hoped she'd like it, but he didn't have any reason to doubt she would.

Kane set a bottle of one of the Hallows' finest wines on the blanket—he hadn't asked permission for it, but he doubted anyone would notice it was missing—as well as a small bundle of fresh marijuana he'd harvested from around the gardens. He didn't know if Tam partook of any substances besides alcohol, which he remembered vividly from her night she'd gone off on Sirius, but he certainly did, and if she wanted to join him, all the better! All his little setup in place, Kane beamed proudly at what he'd created. Then he stepped towards the edge of the gardens and gave a gentle call for Tamsyn, sounding almost like a serenade for his lover.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.