
Doodads and Thingies



5 Years
Extra large
08-18-2013, 02:15 PM

He was a warrior through and through he was never one to deny the instincts that guided him. And those instincts right now were telling him that his best bet would be to stay on the rather secure snow, rather than try and traverse the strange formation. But he couldn't help but feel curious towards the thing, wanting to follow the strange woman back to where her den was, if she was willing to show him, and see just what this place was about. But he held himself back, ebony paws firmly planted in the chilling substance, icy gaze firm as he looked down at the smaller woman, not wanting to seem rude but at the same time wanting his wishes to be respected. After all, he had had the courtesy not to trespass on her alleged territory.

But his resolve didn't last long. Oh you whimp! Brows pulled together in a furrow, limbs pulling the man in one quick motion onto the strange formation. The surface was odd, feeling strange against his paw pads, muscles bunching together in uneasiness as he stood beside the woman. I am no wimp. He rumbled, turning away from her as he slowly moved farther across the flat surface, talons clicking against the slick surface, gaze dancing across the unfamiliar formation, wondering if the woman would invite him in or simply allow him to explore on his own.

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