
Let The Sun Touch My Face [AW]



Advanced Healer (70)

Advanced Fighter (70)

4 Years

Ooh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantIt's a Miracle
12-27-2021, 01:26 AM

Inoki listened to his explanation as she chewed the strip of meat, looking up at him thoughtfully. It was a lot of information to take in, and she'd definitely be lying if she said she would remember all of it once they parted ways, but she picked up enough pieces to put together the story. "It sounds like a lot went down back then, your pack history must be full of amazing stories!" She was a sucker for stories and loved hearing them, and was open to telling some of her own, but she hadn't experienced much of the world yet and so didn't have any interesting ones to tell. Inoki also agreed with the sentiment that everyone should how to fight and heal, as those were the two skills she focused on the most herself.

Another giggle bubbled from from her jaws at the mention of bear claws, and she turned her gaze to his paws to see them for herself. Now that she was looking closely, she could see that the toes were elongated and the dew claw dropped down to form a thumb, and as a whole his front paws looked similar to the hands of primates. No wonder he was able to do such amazing things with the meat. "Is there anything not special about you?" She said with a couple flirtatious, but teasing, bats of her eyelashes, grinning up at Ardyn. He was the most fascinating wolf she had ever come across, and she wanted to know more about him, but didn't want to push her luck at asking too many questions.

It took her a few moments to realise his question was about the recent sickness that had ravaged the lands, and she set her head down upon her stretched out front legs as she spoke. "Better than most, I only arrived a short while before everything seemed to get better." Inoki was thankful for that, and that she hadn't gotten sick with it during the short time she was in contact with those that did suffer from it. "But I assisted another wolf in an attempt for a cure, and I think it worked?" Her words were accompanied by a slight shrug of her shoulders. "I don't know for sure though, as very soon after the sun returned and everyone seemed to get better, but I think at the very least it helped with the symptoms." She was then quiet for a short bit, her mind wandering back to that day with the woman and the sick fox.

"What about you? And your pack?"