
All the words are gonna bleed from me




Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-27-2021, 05:48 AM
As her paw successfully made contact, she heard a dull thud of bone hitting rock, and a loud yelp from her cousin. She frowned as Róta snarled and whipped around to try and bowl her over, swiftly moving backwards with the motion in an attempt to not be fully knocked over. If she fell to the ground it was all over, as even though Iðunn was taller, she was much lighter in terms of weight, and her cousin would have a very good chance at simply sitting on her and keeping her in place. As she was pushed backwards, she dug her hind paws into the ground to push back with her strength, wanting to keep Róta from just continuously pushing her further away from the chipmunk, the thought of putting too much space between her and the offering filling her with annoyance. She knew Róta would take any chance at all at snatching it right under her nose.
Iðunn held back a scoff at her cousin's dramatic words, but her ears flattened back against her skull to show her displeasure at the meaning behind them. But she didn't say anything in response, for she had nothing of value to add, and her words likely wouldn't be payed much attention until the worst of the scrap between them was through. Róta then seemed to switch around her plan, moving to grab her shoulder. She hissed at the contact of teeth to her flesh, but held her ground, stamping her feet into the soil to try and prevent herself from being tussled around. Her cousin was aware she had an advantage when it came to forceful actions, and Iðunn wanted to try and minimise any chance of herself being tossed about like some kind of puppy play toy.
Iðunn then lifted up a front leg and made to curl it around her cousin's neck, using the front portion of her body to push down with all her strength to try and force the younger Trygg down into the dirt, preferably shoving her face right down into it so she got a mouthful of sand, grass, and maybe even some bugs. That'd be her breakfast this morning, instead of the offering Iðunn had dutifully hunted the previous night and kept safe from scavengers, so as to give something of value to the old gods as she prayed. If Róta didn't want to hunt her own meal, then Iðunn was perfectly happy allowing her to go hungry that day, and so she threw all her annoyance at being disturbed into her downward shove, hoping her cousin would wriggle out from under her before she properly got her point across.

Iðunn vs Róta for Dominance
Round 2/2
Age: Over 1 year
Size: Large
Build: Light
Skills: Beginner Healer & Beginner Hunter
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish