
hearing voices through the walls

seasonal prompt/open if you want it



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-27-2021, 10:46 PM
When she stirred awake Sanngriðr had already been long gone, and as she blinked away the sleep from her eyes she could see the faint streaks of dawn appearing in the sky. With a deep stretch she quietly moved away from where she had curled up for the night, walking at a gentle pace towards where the pines grew for her morning meditation. It was a good morning for it, not too cold, not too warm, and just a light breeze on the air. Iðunn stopped underneath small cluster of the petite pines, setting her hindquarters down on the ground as she stared off at the slowly brightening horizon.
Just as the sun itself began to peak over the horizon she closed her eyes, sitting as still as a statue as she allowed her mind to quieten down, focusing on her steady breathing and the sounds of the world around her as critters began to stir. Iðunn sat there silently for a while, not keeping exact track of the passing time, but long enough that the sun had fully crested the sky when she next opened her eyes. Her peaceful meditation had been disturbed by the scent of blood wafting over to her on the wind, and she turned her head around to spot Sanngriðr dragging the corpse of some type of animal her way.
With a soft hmm, Iðunn watched as her cousin dragged it closer, not moving yet from her seated position. It seemed the other woman had already had a busy morning, even though it had just begun for most creatures. As the two drew closer, Iðunn could see scratch marks on her cousins shoulder, and tssked audibly with a disapproving click of her tongue. "You need to be more careful, cousin." Her words were steady as she spoke, no hint of any worry as she knew her cousin could more than take care of herself. But she had limited healing supplies available, and didn't want to use them unnecessarily.
When the corpse was brought closer her brows quirked in intrigue, and she finally stood up to get a closer look. There were strange crystal growths spurting out from the lynx's ears and one of its eyes. "Where did you find this creature?" Perhaps it was sick, or had a parasite, or maybe it was just part of the natural fauna of the surrounding region. Iðunn sniffed at one of the crystals, taking care to not touch it in case it was dangerous. But she was definitely more than curious.
And oh yes, she couldn't forget her cousin's injury. She stepped to the side to quickly gaze over Sanngriðr's shoulder, eyeing the bleeding claw wounds, before determining that it wasn't immediately life-threatening, but that she probably needed to clean it out regardless just to make sure the lynx didn't have a contagious disease. It would do no good for one of their group to fall ill at this time, not when they had so much to do.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish