
Rise Up, Ting Ting, Like Glitter And Gold

Art's Sword School


"Live Like A Warrior"

Lead Hunter

Master Fighter (290)

Master Hunter (280)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Bloodletter Bloodletter

5 Years

Samhain 2022How many times do I have to teach you a lesson?! Double MasterOoh La LaThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-28-2021, 12:45 AM

The stretching helps warm Fern up, loosening tired muscles and getting her blood flowing. A form appears in the torchlight, moving toward the ring and Fern moves to stand in the center. When Art is close, the gray girl gives him a bow and dips his head to her. Art then places a leather cuirass at her paws, instructing her to put it on. Ocean hued eyes look at his smoldering embers and Fern watches him take out a wooden sword a place it next to her armor. Looking back to Art, she listens to his words, a smile appearing on her lips. Quickly, Fern moves to don the armor. Puff appears from the shadows, approaching the gray girl to help with straps and buckles. Once the armor is in place and all the straps tightened, Fern tests her range of movement, nodding to Puff in approval. The stoat scampers off.

She takes a moment to get use to feel of the armor, rolling her shoulders and going through simple motions to test the limits and stretch of the leather. Satisfied, she returns to the sword and takes a deep breath. This is it. The moment that defines her future. Reaching down, she grasps the sword’s hilt with her mouth and raises her head, nodding to her teacher. Art explains how to hold the sword in her jaws and Fern moves her lips and teeth, trying to find the sweet spot of balance. When she shakes her head, the wooden sword wobbles and Fern takes time to get the perfect grip. Art is there, helping with minor adjustments and suggestions, coaching her in the proper technique and feel of the sword.

After several attempts, Fern finds the sweet spot behind her large canines. The longer teeth hold the weapon steady while allowing to ease off the pressure required to keep the sword stable. Giving it a test shake, the sword wobbles slightly but not nearly as much as it had been. She is confident that, with time, her hold will become perfect and Fern looks to Art, offering him a smile around her sword hilt. Next Art explains about the blade and how it is an extension of her bite. He moves forward slowly, a fluid motion of muscles and strength, swinging the sword slowly on his next step.

Fern watches intently, memorizing his motions and how they are flowing and precise. He speaks of staying balanced and using momentum, of using the blade not just to harm but to keep enemies at bay. Artorias starts the motions again and Fern falls into step next to him. She stays slightly behind so that she can glance over when she needs to, making sure her rhythm and stances are correct. They practice the movements, working through them repeatedly and Art always pauses in between adding another movement. He allows Fern to ask the questions that clog her mind. She is eager to learn and so she asks about everything, “Why do I stand this way?”. “What purpose does holding the sword like this serve if the enemy attacks from over there?”.

After the questions, they always fall back into step, Artorias leading this dance and Fern following closely.


Fern has a female stoat companion named Puff. She is always nearby.