
i win you ooze



Master Fighter (265)

Expert Intellectual (150)

An icon representing the specialty Unarmed Unarmed

4 Years
Dire wolf

OverachieverThe Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-28-2021, 08:36 AM
The sun’s return had turned the boy’s life upside down. He’d grown up in the darkness with only the soft glow of the moon with crystals and mushrooms to guide his path. Albion’s ghostly blue eyes hadn’t quite adapted to the bright light of day and he often kept nocturnal hours. It seemed normal for his Fenmyre family anyway. So as the day settled down Albion made his way from the family rooms and out onto the island.

It was almost a miracle that the boy had survived the cursed illness at all, but it felt like after such a harrowing battle the boy was even stronger than before he had been afflicted. Of course it was probably just the way he felt after being so weak and sickly for so long. The boy pup bounced back with a swiftness, and all of the energy and curiosity returned with it. Albion remained a quiet boy, not speaking unless the situation required it of him. Most often he just observed the world around him and he learned as he went.

Scylla was usually at his side while he did, they weren’t very often apart. Being alone was weird, and usually he’d have followed his sister out into the world. He didn’t know where she was now. He figured that he’d see her sooner or later, he thought she felt the same about him anyway. Being without his sibling just didn’t feel right. Pale paws carried him through the woods, he could hear the distance sound of the ocean, but more curiously he heard something rummaging through the bushes. Loudly.

Never one to balk at the mysterious Albion crept forward, ears erect and his eyes peeled as he inched forward. He brushed past abit of foliage and was met with the glowing form of a fox. It was obviously still infected by the ooze. Its features were painfully contorted and the glowing liquid seeped from its face. Albion’s eyes widened in shock and before he could do anything the crazed beast leapt at him.


"Albion Klein"