
i win you ooze



Master Fighter (250)

Master Healer (270)

An icon representing the specialty Anatomist Anatomist

4 Years
Extra small

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-28-2021, 10:09 AM

Scylla was always with her twin, but Albi liked to sleep later into the evening due to his sensitive eyes. Sometimes she just couldn't sleep, so she would disappear, do a few things, then come back when she thought he might be ready to wake. Today she'd spent time with Kione, the spotted dog who now called her "lil Sis," which she thoroughly enjoyed. They'd killed hyenas together and he had given her much praise. Scylla thought that Albion might like him too and was excited to share her tale with her brother.

Back on the island, the slate and alabaster child parted ways from her spotted friend and made her way through the jungle towards where she thought Albi might be. Her little pink nose wriggled as she sifted through scents. Some were old and stale while others were fresher. In time, she latched onto the scent of her brother and made a beeline down the edge of the jungle and towards the beach. Just as she was nearing, he rose and moved towards the bushes. Giving her head a little tilt, Scylla followed, her small paws sinking into the sand as she hurried along.

Right on his tail, suddenly her brother was backing up. Scylla gave a grunt as his hip banged into her face and one paw moved up to reflexively give her sibling a push. It was then that she noticed the glow. No... the girl's eyes widened. Not this again! They'd just gotten well! Would this crazy blue fox infect them once more? Both pups had almost died and Cerberus hadn't fared much better. No. No! Determination flared through the girl and she instantly pulled the serpentine dagger from the sheath upon her foreleg.

Planting her hind paws, the much smaller wolf surged past her brother on three paws before leaping, dagger extended, to shove it into the body of the glowing fox. "You're not hurting us ever again!" Scylla screamed as she stabbed and sliced at the beast. It didn't seem to feel much of the pain, though it did back up a bit as she drew glowing blue blood to the surface. "Stay behind me, Albi," Scylla warned as she pulled back, keeping herself between her brother and the fox. Yes, she was smaller, but she had the weapon. She would protect him from this beast. The fox was bleeding from holes all over, but it didn't stop. It was as though it couldn't feel the wounds at all. It continued moving towards them after a moment, though its blood stained the ground.


"Scylla Klein"
Scylla should be seen as a very adult character who will indulge in acts that others may find graphic and uncomfortable. Steer clear if you don't like this sort of thing.
[Image: vF1xS6t.png]