
teach me your ways



Expert Fighter (235)

Master Intellectual (275)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf
12-28-2021, 10:42 AM

Though the plans for the newly formed, or rather newly renovated concept of, Abaven Academy were set, there was a lot of work to be done in order to actually get up and running. Mainly, getting the actual living areas carved out. He’d been rather stunned by Theory’s objective and idea, but he also thought it to be rather brilliant. She’d written up a general map layout of where she’d wanted classrooms, dorm rooms and the like and the man had wasted no time in getting to work. He certainly wasn’t the only one, others came and went throughout the day, and he’d spent a lot of his time pulling a sled piled high with loose dirt and clay out from the depths of the tunnels to be distributed elsewhere. He made a mental note to suggest they use the fertile soil to construct a garden for their healing students.

He grunted as he shouldered his way under the handle at the top of the sled, muscles straining and he pushed up and tipped the heavy wooden thing into a diagonal slope. The dirt and clay slid off into one of the growing piles and he stepped to the side, letting the sled fall flat to the ground with a thud. He panted from the exertion, mottled melt slick with sweat as he licked his try lips. The man let out a chuff to his nearby owl companion, who hooted and lit from his perch in the trees. A leather bag was strapped to his leg, and he landed in front of Raijin and pulled the strap from his taloned foot. Raijin thanked him, dipping his head to pluck the sack from the ground and go to find a good spot to start a quick fire.

On his way, he spotted the form of a wolf, roughly his size and similar in build, though with noticeably feminine curves compared to his hard, built muscle. She looked to be around the same age as his nieces and nephews. The Genji man let out a chuff of greeting around the pouch clutched in his jaws, nubbed tail twitching behind him good-naturedly. When he neared, he placed the sack on the ground, careful as there were breakables within, and looked to the girl. “Hello, I don’t believe we’ve met yet. My name’s Genji Raijin, though you’re welcome to call me Raijin,” he greeted with a grin.
