
Hold on To your fluorescent View


08-18-2013, 06:27 PM

His large form paced forward over the ebony colored sand, his gargantuan paws leaving beautiful track behind. His golden pelt was outlined gorgeously against the impossibly dark ground. A smirk lay gently on his features as he took in the dark landscape easily. The moon was quite full above his head, meaning he could see much better now than he ever could in the day light. This black sand was something he had never experienced, and it held his curiosity firmly.
He felt his toes dig into the loose earth, as he bent his head to take in the aroma of the odd particles. His whiskers pulled back at the slight scent of sulfer. Volcanic rock it seemed. He could feel a sneeze welling up in his amber nose, it's energy welling and attempting to explode. He took in a quick gasp as the the sudden explosion took over his calm facade. His body lifted from the ground as his sneeze erupted.

Once his thick limbs were once again placed on the ground he shook his head to rid himself of the remnants. His eyes glancing around to reveal any lurking glances. When he was sure of his solitude a paw was brought to his mouth, long salmon tongue poking out to clean the not so dirty paw. Doing his best to hide his embarrassment at the unexpected detonation.
