
When it's already dragging me down



Master Fighter (240)

Intermediate Intellectual (45)

13 Years
Large species

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-28-2021, 06:26 PM

He'd been traveling, mostly to build his endurance up again, and paused, ears pricking forward as a short howl reached his ears - a call for help. He started forward, then rocked back on his haunches as he felt the ground beneath his hooves give.

He stepped back and lowered his head, letting his whiskers trail over the sand. Treacherous place this; he'd have to go carefully. His horned head rose and he called above to Isolde.

"Check ahead, would you please, Isolde?"

The hawk tip-tiped her wings in the air and wheeled off ahead in the direction the howl had come from, large golden eyes picking out the dark wolf moored in the quicksand and the bluejay chirping directions.

The hawk dropped to the ground nearby, adding, "A friend's coming. He's large and strong enough to pull you out. I am Isolde, and his name is Taliesyn."

Her voice was crisp and efficient, and she pushed off into the air, winging back to the stallion to report.

The horse nodded and began picking his way through the veritable minefield, testing with whisker and tentative hooves for solid ground that didn't give underhoof until he spotted the situation ahead and gave a rumbling nicker of greeting.

Wangui moved along his back and hung from his dock, working his heavy tail into a braided rope as the horse studied the situation closely before stepping forward and lowering his great head to a level with the wolf's, tilted slightly to regard her with one soft teal eye as he he asked, "I can tow you out if you grab my tail in your teeth. What side do you want out on, so you don't have to cross or circle this spot again?"

Walk ---- "Speak" ---- "Hear" ---- Think