
Black bird, black moon, black sky



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-28-2021, 09:09 PM
She had decided to meditate among the immensely large trees to the south of where her group had set up camp, wanting to be further away so her peaceful morning wasn't interrupted by any of her cousins. They were an interesting bunch to say the least, a few of them being aptly described as feral when provoked, and she liked some more than others but overall they were her family, and she'd do anything to keep them safe, even if they disagreed with her methods. But today she wanted the morning to herself, away from any talking and bustling of tasks that needed to be accomplished. Her mind was heavy with thoughts, and she needed to take some time to breathe and calm everything all down, for she couldn't do her job if she wasn't feeling the sereneness and reverence that was brimming in the world around her.
Iðunn sat down on one of the large tree bows close to the ground, high up enough that she felt safe from any surprise attacks, but not too high that it would be an effort to make her way down. She took a few minutes to breathe deeply and evenly, allowing the scents to fill her nose as she took in the trees and nature around her. The birds had awoken already, and critters were beginning to stir, for the sun had already long crested the horizon, they ashen grey of the morning shifting into a dull yellow and orange.
Her eyes closed then, and she hummed softly under her breath for a short while as her mind slipped into a deep and calm state, and then the noise in her throat slowly quietened down until she was silent. She would sit there for a while, in complete silence and not moving a muscle. Only the occasional twitch of her ears and rise and fall of her chest would indicate that she was even alive as she meditated thoughtlessly.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish