
hearing voices through the walls

seasonal prompt/open if you want it



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-28-2021, 11:30 PM
She tssked softly again, but this time it had just a touch of humour to it, instead of being just a disapproving tone. Her cousin was a very confident wolf, sure in her abilities, and proud enough to not be ashamed to admit it. But that confidence was easily erred on the side of arrogance, and she wanted to make sure it wasn't left unchecked to fester into a sense of superiority that could lead to the downfall of everything they had worked for. The folly of a wolf could be costly, and she was here to make sure that didn't happen, along with any assistance from the old gods.
Iðunn hummed softly under her breath as she bent down to continue examining the lynx corpse, going as fast to scratch at one of the crystals protruding from an ear with her claws. It crumbled underneath the pressure she applied, small grains of it sprinkling down onto the ground. This was unlike anything she had ever seen, and even thinking back to what she had learned from her superiors, there was nothing she could identify as something she had knowledge of. The crystals didn't seem too harmful, as long as one wasn't stupid enough to get an eyeball poked out, but there was some type of ooze that was festering in its wounds and around the crystals. That was a bit more of a concern.
"You thought correct cousin. This is most unusual." She then stepped back from the lynx, satisfied with her initial findings, but knowing she needed a more private place and access to some of her things before she could continue examining the infected corpse. Not to mention she wanted to clean out and maybe even bandage Sanngriðr's wounds before doing anything else, just in case. "Help me drag it closer to our camp so I can fetch my supplies. I want to examine it more closely and clean out your wounds." Iðunn's tone left no room for any if's or but's, and she gave a sharp glance at her cousin to let her know that there was no wrangling her way out of being tended to.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish