
I'll share in your suffering




6 Years

12-29-2021, 01:03 AM

The mother tongue. For now, it would be the way they could keep things... keep things to themselves. They could speak among themselves in a crowd, and it struck Sanngriðr that she'd need to teach Barghest one of these days. He had become family too, as strange as it was. He would need to learn. The valkyrie wasn't the best teacher, being sharp of tongue and easily frustrated, but that was fine. Hopefully he would understand. Family affairs could stay among them, and Sanngriðr wouldn't need to translate-- ideal. That, and she would spend more time with him.

Danger. That was true, there was danger around pretty much every turn here. Danger, but it made her feel alive. It made Sanngriðr feel as if she was doing something that really and truly mattered. She would protect her family, and she would keep them safe. More than safe. She would be the thing that kept them safe and whole and together. Together was what mattered above all. If they were together, they could do anything. Survive anything. Overcome anything. They'd already taken on odds that were beyond any reasonable ones. They'd come this far. Together, they could continue on. That was safe, and that was reasonable. That was good.

Iðunn was more tied to their homeland than the valkyrie had ever been. It made sense, given their chosen paths. Though Sanngriðr was a cynic, she still had... feelings. Thoughts and questions that would easier be answered while they were surrounded by those who'd raised them. There was a lot of pressure on her shoulders, resting around her neck, but she'd chosen this. She'd chosen this for herself, and she'd gotten the others to come along. She was responsible for this now. Her chin rested on her paws as her cousin spoke, studying the land at large.

"Some days," the words were quiet. Her gaze fixed on the forest ahead of her, though not really seeing. The forest before her wasn't the important thing. No, in her mind, she was walking back through the forest of their homeland. "My mother, more than anything." Her mother, the woman who'd passed when she was only a yearling. A legendary fighter, absolutely legendary... going down in battle. If the old gods were to be believed, then the woman dined in Valhalla. Why had the gods taken her in the first place? Losing her mother had turned Sanngriðr harder, cynical, and serious.

"I'm glad we left." The words came with confidence, conviction. The softness in Sanngriðr's thoughts of her mother, the softness from moments before, evaporated. No, she couldn't have stayed there. Not with the things going on. She didn't want her siblings brought up in that space, that environment. It wasn't safe. It was nowhere near safe for them, and the valkyrie needed them to stay safe. Running off as they had. That was safety. That was real.

Kom och hata mig.