
hearing voices through the walls

seasonal prompt/open if you want it



Intermediate Healer (45)

Expert Hunter (180)

6 Years

12-29-2021, 01:59 AM (This post was last modified: 01-01-2022, 03:50 AM by Iðunn. Edited 1 time in total.)
She chose to ignore the drawn out sigh in favour of taking the opportunity to flick a pebble or two of the crystal pieces at her cousin, hoping to hit her in the chest, or maybe even the chin with one. She could most definitely be uptight nearly all the time, but she also had her moments of fun and play, even if it wasn't as obvious as when others let out their inner child. Her nose wrinkled at the suggestion of eating it, and she raised a single brow at her cousin. "Perhaps, but I want to open it up first. There may be more crystals within." If there were she'd chuck it away for the other critters to feast upon, as the thought of taking a bite and crunching down on something hard that wasn't bone was not a pleasant one. Of course, her cousin was more than welcome to go ahead and eat it regardless, but any ill effects would be on her head, and her head alone.
Thankfully Sanngriðr had no qualms about dragging the corpse back to the wall. Iðunn grabbed a hind leg firmly within her jaws and began to pull it gently with long slow strides, allowing her slightly shorter cousin to keep up with no extra trouble. She didn't want Sanngriðr to further injure herself unnecessary, but dragging it herself would take a lot longer. Iðunn chuckled at her cousins muffled complaint, not sympathetic in the slightest. It had been her own fault for tangling with the lynx in the first place, and a little pain never killed anyone, so she didn't even try to cover up the laugh. "Don't suppose that means you'll be more careful next time?" Very unlikely, knowing her cousin.
When they finally dragged the lynx corpse closer to the wall until the strange monument was well in their sights, Iðunn promptly let go, allowing it to fall on the ground with a dull thud. "I'll need to gather my things, you can wait here or help me." Not bothered by what her cousin would choose, she set off at a brisk pace without another word, her long stride quickly eating up the ground beneath her. Iðunn would fetch a crudely-made bowl and fill it with some fresh water, plus add some sprigs of a few different herbs into it to soak into the liquid that she could then make a poultice with using some of the nearby vegetation to pack it onto the wounds. It was barbaric, to say the least, but without her tools from back home it was the best she could do under these circumstances.
Returning back to the lynx corpse, she gathered up a few large leaves and dipped them into the bowl of water to soak up some of the liquid and make it easier to work with, before turning to her cousin with a sharp gaze. "If you don't sit still while I work I'll make you." Iðunn wasn't the normal kind of healer, and she accepted no fussing around while she worked. If she had to sit on her patient to make them stop squirming she absolutely would, as even though her knowledge did encompass the art of healing, it wasn't her main priority, and it definitely wasn't her favourite thing to do. But sometimes it was necessary.
When Iðunn's speech is in italics it means she's speaking in Swedish