



5 Years
Extra large
08-18-2013, 07:32 PM

She was a tiny thing, but very pretty for her age. The grey of her coat varied in shade, giving her a tri-colored look about her, all the much more appealing. If his father saw this young thing, he would probably snatch her up in a second. Her children would be handsome things to look at, if only she could put on some more weight and gain a healthier body image. Lucky for her he had stumbled across her and not some monster or his father. Now that he was closer, he could clearly see the silent fear that was etched across her visage and he didn't blame her for it. He was a very imposing man, a titan in stature and his looks didn't exactly scream friendly, but he was doing his best to let his body language do most of the talking for him in regards to appearing friendly. As much as he expected her to bolt, she stayed right where she was, blues locked with his own. She was either frozen with fear or curious to see what he would do. Part of him thought it was most because of the fear, but he hoped there was a bit of curiosity mixed in there.

He stood quietly before rabbit, icy gaze dancing between the morsel and the young babe, waiting to see what her reaction would be. She stared at him for a long moment and he could see the wheels turning in her head as she tried to decide what to do. And then a breakthrough; a smile. A small smile curled her grey lips as she slowly moved towards the rabbit, taking her small jaws to the rump of the animal, ripping a chunk from it before taking another bite from the shoulder, retreating back to her safe distance, motioning for him to take the rest. He quietly denied her offer, waiting for her to finish as he pushed the rabbit closer to her with his right forepaw. Take the whole thing. I can always catch another one. Powerful haunches folded beneath the young man, lowering him into a sitting position, a gentle smile curling his inky lips as he watched the young babe, wanting her to relax before he started asking any questions.

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