
I will write you a song [Song Babies]



08-18-2013, 07:53 PM

It was an odd morning for the young pup. Dhiren had found himself between his four sisters, two on each side. He was used to being curled up beneath his mother, with his head comfortably laying in the nook of her neck. Instead, he had been moved in his sleep, so when he woke up, surprise and a small amount of hurt touched his soul. Beseeching and sleepy eyes looked up to see his mother's face, relaxed from being in a mental slumber land. His small ears had flattened against his crown and he quietly squeezed out from his sisters and padded towards the den opening.
Cherokee had left early to go hunting for the kids, of which Dhiren had no idea. His miniature copy sat at the edge of the den, looking at the outside world decked in darkness. The sun was on its way, about to spread across the land with no sense of stopping. His disappearance from the group wouldn't be noticed, he decided. After all, if he could be pushed away from his mother so easily, surely he would be okay with being pushed into the big world.
Dhiren didn't wander far from the den itself, only a few large adult paces into the nearby greenery. His small paws worked double time to cover the ground only three steps of an adult would carry. Contentment found a way to his mind when he met the underbrush of an unoccupied bush. Without another thought, his dark form had curled up into a tiny ball and he fell asleep.
The sunlight's warmth found its way beneath the shrub before too long, waking the small bones and muscles. Dhiren then heard a soft, melodic voice on the wind from the inside of his family's den. Song had awoken and she was getting his sisters ready to wake up as well. He assumed that they would be leaving the den for the first time today. A proud glint in his eye appeared as he thought of how he did it with no assurance from either parent. With a yawn, he rose and stretched his tiny body. The outside world wasn't so bad, he thought, as he padded his way back to the group exiting the den.
Dhiren had blended in with his two other sisters, ebony in color and bearing white markings that were given from Cherokee's side of the gene pool. He rubbed against Fal'Dara and Canta, happily yipping at them before attempting to sidestep them and reach Lakota. He licked her face, barked once, then approached Novel. His face bumped into hers and he whispered in a soft, puppy tone, "Have I got stuff to tell you!" His bi-colored eyes, gold and silver, looked up to see his parents and Aria, an unfamiliar face.
He knew of his parents well enough. Growing the past two weeks with only them as constants for attention, food, and love made him know they were his. However, meeting new faces was something that he wanted to keep doing because, after all, his curiosity as a pup could not be contained! So, being one of the braver siblings, Dhiren proudly approached Aria's light colored form. He had to crane his neck to even get a glimpse of her nose, but he didn't dare try to climb the pretty fae. Small tail wagged behind him as he yipped a couple of times to get her attention, hoping she would comply. "Good morning, miss!" His voice had squeaky tones, of which he hoped to any source above that it would change as he grew. Living with a voice like that would be unbearable.
