


08-18-2013, 08:32 PM

He was massive but as the time stretched on between them her fears began to ease, fairly certain that he wasn't planning on eating her. Size shouldn't be a fact anyways, just because he was huge didn't mean he was he to be evil just like just because someone was small didn't mean they should be so easily trusted either... So as he continued to give her some space and didn't make any sudden movements one by one the muscles in her body slowly began to relax. She didn't fixate so much on him, didn't watch his movements as closely as she slowly lowered her haunches to the ground and then allowed her small forepaws to slid forward through the snow until she was laying down. The hunk of flank was devoured quickly, almost too quickly, and she didn't immediately reach for the next piece she had pulled off. Her stomach convulsed, once, twice, but she didn't regurgitate it thankfully. It had been a long time since she had eaten meat, probably months... She was probably a good ten to fifteen inches shorter then him but had some more growing to do. But her body mass was seriously lacking. Her fur was thick and fluffy due to her young age so it covered her ribs and protruding hip and shoulders bones better then most but it was still obvious that she was hungry.

The second piece was eaten slowly, chewed carefully and then swallowed and she waited to see how her stomach would react before moving onto her next mouthful. The last thing she wanted was too eat this nice mans food and then puke it all up later. When she finally finished her two chunks she looked up to find the male watching her. Expression had returned to its normally stoic state as she watched him decline her offer to return the rest of his meal. She sighed and smiled, there really was no arguing with him when she couldn't speak. Reaching forward she pulled the rabbit closer and then reached forward to pat the ground before him, inviting him to lay with her. It wasn't the best place to eat but it wasn't terrible either. She flipped the rabbit over and began to proceed with the once again lengthy process of trying to eat and keep it down. In the end she would probably end up taking half the rabbit with her and try to find her brother. He was one of the few who knew that she didn't speak and accepted it. No one, even her, knew yet if she simply wouldn't speak or if she very well couldn't. The young female had yet to even attempt to try.
