
I will write you a song [Song Babies]



08-18-2013, 08:54 PM

She watched excitedly as all of her little bundles drew themselves from sleep. Her little Novel would rise first, stepping mercilessly onto her sister, Canta. The young pup awoke with a start, her pitiful yelp filling the den and waking the other sisters. But wait... where had Dhiren gotten off to? Panicked she searched the den for his presence, but his small black form was no where. The pitied cry of the small, Fal'Dara captured her attention from her son momentarily. She let her libs unfold underneath her as she stood before the babies. Don't worry little one, we'll find Dhiren soon. The panic took back over as she heard the gentle words of Aria, the beta had yet to see their new brood. She didn't want to think about her not seeing the last member.
Hello, Aria oh goodness not well. She turned back to her daughters, finally able to introduce them to the world, she just wished she were not so panicked. Where in the world could Dhiren have gotten away to? Come along my loves, we're going outside! She tried to keep herself calm for the little ones as she thought of the terrible things that could happen to her only son. She knew they would pick up on her nervousness, and that was the last thing she needed for the first day out. Hopefully Aria's presence would help soothe them.
She pushed herself to the entrance of the den, clambering out slowly her gaze searching the surrounding landscape for the missing child. I can't find Dhiren, he wasn't in the den when we woke up. She was suddenly greeted by yet another welcomed face, her mate. Cherokee found his way to their presence, and just as he greeted Aria a miracle happened.
Dhiren tumbled down from nearby bushes, looking very much like he had just awoke from sleep himself. He found himself surrounded by siblings, and Song could hardly help but utter a relieved sigh. He casually walked up to Aria, this boy had no fear! The new parents would need to keep extra close eyes on the young pup. Song moved to the young pup's side, Dhiren, you naughty pup! Don't ever leave the den with out asking mommy or daddy again! She licked his beautiful black pelt, half out of calming habbit half out of seeing if he had sustained any injuries. You scared me, I don't know what i would do with out my only boy!
