
Botany 101




Advanced Hunter (75)

Expert Healer (155)

10 Years
Dire wolf

12-29-2021, 07:07 PM

Kane didn't have to wait long before the sound of paws running across grass caught his attention. Turning to see the young Adravendi girl rushing up to him, all smiles, brought a jovial smile to the big brute's face as well. "Good morning, little dove!"he greeted the gray girl in his chipper tones, bowing his head politely to her as was his customs. A boisterous laugh echoed in the giant wolf's chest. "That's very good to hear! Because today, we're going to work on learning how to identify useful herbs and what they do for us. It's a basic lesson, but when you're gathering herbs, it's helpful to know which ones will heal and which ones will hurt." He gave Jane a moment to process what he had said as he led the way into the lush gardens. There were a number of plants and herbs that grew around the vast gardens and ruins, so though it seemed easy, this task would be challenging for someone so new to healing and medicine.

As the two wolves stood in the center of the gardens on a moss-covered cobblestone path, Kane reached into his satchel and pulled out two very different plants he'd already harvested while waiting for her. "Today, we are going to be looking for two particular plants, Jane." He held up a small sprig of tiny white flowers. "This is called boneset. You can identify it by its little clusters of white flowers and thick green vine they grow on." The next he held up was a stick with a few dark violet-blue berries on it. "These you might actually know. They are elderberries. While very tasty and delicious when cooked or covered in honey, they are also very nutritious and used in many medicines." Stashing the herbs away again, Kane gestured around the gardens. "Your job today is to find as many of these two plants as you can. They will be very useful to us in the winter, so we're going to stock up while we can. You'll be leading us, so go forth! If you have any questions, I'll be right here with you."

With that, Kane turned Jane loose to begin her search. She would need to find and identify the boneset and elderberries. Then when they had enough, he would tell her about what they did.


As his mate, Tamsyn may enter his threads not marked as Private.