
Bear with me



Expert Fighter (235)

Master Intellectual (275)

An icon representing the specialty Professor Professor

5 Years
Dire wolf
12-30-2021, 01:38 AM

The sound of thudding pawsteps alerted Raijin to the presence of another and he saw a flash of light grey before a yearling threw themselves onto the beast. He was stunned for a moment, surprised to see such a quick, decisive movement from one so young. He was reminded of his nieces and nephews, who were surely quick to act with justice no matter the wolf. Well, he was mostly right, save for Oki. He watched as the bear released a roar, batting the large yearling away with a massive club of a paw, sending him sprawling across the ground with a groan. Raijin snarled, instincts kicking in as he raced forward. He threw himself between the boy and the bear, body tense as he threw a paw upward and onward, aiming to slice across the predator’s eyes in an attempt to blind it. The animal, surprisingly deft despite its odd ailment, reared back, jaws opening in another roar that sent gobs of glowing spit flying into the air. He’d only managed to skim the top of the animal’s muzzle, sending similar looking dribbles of glowing blood down its muzzle.

Raijin dodged to the side, barking to keep the bear’s attention on him as he gave the yearling a sideways glance to make sure he was okay. The man began to back away, issuing another series of barks to try and entice the sickly beast to follow after him, and in its simple state of mind it seemed content to follow. In a quick movement, the man pushed off the ground and sprinted at the beast, leaping with jaws open to sink his sabers into the thick, muscly neck of his foe, hoping to sever whatever important blood vessels he could to bring the animal down. It thrashed, throwing the man like a ragdoll who hit the ground with a thud. The wind rushed from his lungs but he rolled to his paws, coughing and wincing, but he’d seemed to find a mark. Glowing blood poured from the bear’s neck in gushes, but it didn’t stop, instead continuing straight for him.

WC: 1093/1500
