
just crystal bear things

Kristen Seasonal

Asmodeus I


3 Years
Dire wolf

Samhain 2022Statue 4 WorshipDouble Master1KAll Oozed OutThe Ooze Participant
The Ooze - Variation 3
12-30-2021, 02:06 AM

The demonic, might-be-a-messenger-might-not-be wolf thing attacked again and again, tearing large goopy wounds in the bear's flesh and scattering ooze and glowing blood everywhere as he did so. Deus' heart beat more rapidly, his head tucking into his shoulders as he backpedaled, his scruff rolling to reveal the crystalline quills with which he'd been recently blessed. It was a natural reaction - a sort of traumatic reaction to the infection and the memory of those he'd lost - and Deus hesitated to continue across the ooze-splattered and possibly infectious ground.

The stranger was flung back from the bear and a small whine escaped Deus' maw. He did not want to see this wolf dead, but nor did he want to catch the sickness again himself. Had anyone even figured out if it was transmittable through spit and blood and ooze? His fur stood on end, his weight shuffling from side to side as he worried, and then watched as the bear turned back to the glowing yearling. Fuck.

Swallowing hard against the fear, Deus threw himself back into the fight. The bear was bleeding out quickly from the no-holds-barred assault it'd taken, it's breath coming hard and fast and almost wheezy. Deus intercepted it's stride, shutting his eyes hard against the flung spittle and ooze and sinking his fangs into the creature's unprotected throat, his entire body weight thrown into the attack.

The bear reared up, dragging Deus upwards as it did so. He did not release his jaws, holding his bite even while the bear slapped at his back with it's claws. Before he knew it, he was on the ground beside the downed beast, watching it's chest slowly stop rising.

Word Count: 1513/1500
