
puppy's first healing

Kristen Seasonal



Intermediate Healer (30)

Beginner Navigator (0)

2 Years
12-30-2021, 02:09 AM (This post was last modified: 12-30-2021, 02:10 AM by Théa. Edited 1 time in total.)

Théa thought nothing of the pup seemingly talking to nothing as she approached. Being alone quite often, even with her companions, she talked to herself frequently. Though she’d grown out of having imaginary friends several seasons before, she also knew it wasn’t uncommon for pups to have them. As a healer, she probably should have been more curious as to the child’s mental state, but the green tinged woman was really anything but ordinary, and at best could be described as unconventional.

The boy let her know that it was a coyote and that it was not, in fact, his friend. Even so, he wanted to help it, which the woman found very sweet. Most wolves would, in fact, think it useless to help such a lesser canine, they might even make fun of him for it. But to Théa, a life was a life, no matter the species, and all deserved to die with a modicum of dignity. He turned to her after seeming to consult his friend again, asking her if she could help as an ‘adult’, something she didn’t quite consider herself as, and she struggled to not let her smile falter. Théa was fun and exciting, and she loved being a healer and being able to help others, but this was one of the least fun parts of her profession. But, if the boy was interested in healing, he would have to learn this some day anyhow.

”Sometimes, mon ami, you cannot ‘eal someone. I am sorry to say, but zis is one of zose times. Monsieur Coyote eez very sick, but zat does not mean we cannot ‘elp him. It eez up to you, but I ‘ave somezing in my bag that will ‘elp him sleep for a long, long time. Sometimes, zat eez zee kindest option,” she replied, her smile gentling to an uncharacteristic softness for the normally bubbly woman.

WC: 1204/1500

Italics mean she's speaking French