
The Hangover

Lillith, Ulric



7 Years
Dire wolf

The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3Double MasterIce Bridge ExplorerMammoth HunterBeevent
1KCritical Hit!
12-30-2021, 01:56 PM
With the state the world was in Ulric had been even more vigilant than he might have been otherwise, though Eska's recovery did take away a good bit of his attention. He hadn't noticed Romulus and Lillith's scents leaving the pack's territory until at least several hours after they had left considering how the trail had begun to fade by the time he found it on one of his patrols. Considering the command given to the whole pack to remain in the territory it was already a bit concerning that they had disregarded that to leave, but he let it go considering the fact that it was the first time in quite a while that Romulus would have felt up to traveling and he was sure the pair needed some time to stretch their legs as much as any of them. He kept the discovery to himself and just kept an eye out for their return for the next several hours, but his worry started to build the longer they were gone.

He was looking out of one of the castle's windows when Romulus finally came slowly walking through the castle gates with Lillith laying along his back and Ulric's worry immediately doubled. The concerned father darted down the stairs from there he was observing the world, hurrying out the main doors to meet them in the courtyard. He had been one breath away from calling for Gwyn, assuming that they must have gotten hurt while they were out or maybe that Lillith had exhausted herself again, but when he got close enough to catch their scents his concern fell away and was replaced with what he could only describe as exasperation. The smell of wine and tale tell signs of sex lingered heavily on the pair and as he stood there between them and the main entrance to the castle all he could do was sigh and shake his head with a strangely relieved chuckle. If they had pulled this kind of stunt before the world descended into chaos he might have been more angry with them than he was, but at this point just having them in one piece and healthy was about all he could ask for—though they were looking a bit worse for ware and very hungover. "Come on, you two. Get inside."

He held the door open for them so Roman could carry Lillith inside. He couldn't exactly say that he liked the fact that the Armada boy had been sleeping with his little girl, but Lillith was getting older and had proven to him again and again that she was more than capable of fending for herself and making her own decisions. Romulus had at the very least been nothing but good to his girl and had slowly been working his way into Ulric's good graces simply by virtue of making Lillith happier than he had seen her in ages. He still couldn't resist giving Romulus a stern look as he passed, but would the young man really have expected anything less from the father of his girlfriend? Ulric nodded to the stairs and added, "Go ahead and go to your room. I'll bring you some supplies."

Ulric Adravendi