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3 Years
12-30-2021, 08:07 PM

Kotori listened relaxedly as the wolves talked, soaking in the details especially about her ideas of fighting with the antlers.  It was true, Kione hadn’t considered them using it for defense.  Kione very rarely bothered thinking of defense.  The answers were either putting up so much of an offense the opposition could never fight back or just not be where the attack came from.  Ferocity and speed were Kione’s methods.

When Kione was asked to come forward for a demonstration the painted dog grinned toothily, eyes brightening up with glee.  A fight or fighters challenge was always a fun thing.  Hopping up from his spot he moved forward, listening to Briar’s explanation.  Her eyes down were handy.

Kotori squared off with Briar, he thought about a small fake-out with his shoulders going the wrong direction first but small details would be harder for her at the moment.  He took a moment to think of it and then the broad grin came back on his face.  "lets see,”  Kione ran, not towards her but in a wide circle, making a full 360 spin about her trying to make it hard for her to keep up.  The dog did a full lap, then made a fast pivot to spin the opposite way, attempting to run a few strides past her head, spinning about again with the goal of trying to get in close, aiming a bite for the top part of her neck.  Aiming to be close enough that his head was safe from how far the antlers could quickly turn.  

Even if the bite did land it would be gentle.  Kione had learned to fight viciously and bite to crack bone but in spars he aimed for soft bites, alerting his partner to having hitting his mark but not causing pain.  If he didn’t hit his mark, hopefully, the wolf played just as gently in a spar.

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