
The Usual (Post-Raid Healing)


High Councilor

Master Fighter (245)

Expert Hunter (230)

An icon representing the specialty Knight Knight

An icon representing the specialty Trophy Hunter Trophy Hunter

5 Years

Samhain 2022The Ooze ParticipantThe Ooze - Variation 3
12-30-2021, 10:26 PM

The smoldering rage that had come seeing wolves attack their land was dissipating with smug satisfaction.  They had won and beyond that had absolutely trounced their enemies.  Heck, Art had even caught one of them.  That creep they’d fought had seemed intent to take Rudyard down.  What the heck had that been about?  He’d gone so far as ignoring Eska and Romulus to try and get to Rudyard’s stomach.  Rudyard couldn’t remember seeing the wolf before but it had seemed strange.  Still, his focused desire to rip into Rudyard had given the trio a clear victory.

Rudyard made his way to the infirmary, finding Tika as he entered.  The tension was practically rolling off her and Rudy nudged his shoulder gently into her, offering a small grin, “Hey, we won.  Save the anger for the next battle." Hopefully, his adopted sister took the words to heart.  Rudyard was well aware of how little bottled-up rage helped anything.  Rudy was saved from his own inner turmoil by the wolf he was walking towards.

Another stressed face and Rudyard had to make sure she saw he was in one piece.  Before reaching Fern he glanced to Iolaire grinning, “the toes work great.”  Rudyard was thankfully getting used to them just in time.  His gaze flicked to Fern, “hey, you can relax.  I survived.” He almost joked about how many toes he lost this time than imagined the reaction that could happen at such a joke.  Nope, bad plan.  “That wolf was crazy though,” Rudyard added on, “bastard tried to get my leg tendons and when that didn’t work he tried to bite my stomach open.  Completely ignored Rom and Eska.  Idiot made it easy that way.  I got a few scratches but that’s it.”
